23 January 2020

Current Motifs...

Current works in progress 

One of the prompts in  #21daysinmyartworld by Tara Leaver on Instagram, was 'Current Motifs'.

Leading the viewers eye around and artwork is one of the most important things to rememer when painting. It can be done by using line, contrast or colour, or a combination of all of them.

My immediate reaction to this prompt, was that I didn't really have any 'motifs' as such, but on looking at my current works in progress I can see  small blocks of colour are emerging.

I am using them to add interest and take you on a journey through and around the painting. Perhaps they are stepping stones in my explorations, perhaps just visual interest. I particularly like this motif when they themselves have lines around that don't quite match the outline of the block as in this painting:

by Marion Hedger
20x20cm acrylic on paper

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

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