07 September 2014

Hollyhock Village, Part 1 - Day 7, 30 paintings in 30 days

Hollyhock Village Part 1
 Oil on gesso laminated wood panel
20x30 cm (8"x12")

During our recent lavender hunt, we came across a village which I shall call Hollyhock Village. Hollyhocks lined the streets, seemingly growing out of the concrete in the road. The roads were narrow enough, barely room for one car let alone a car and two rows of hollyhocks. I took heaps of photos both on the way there  (overcast day) and on the way back (nice sunny day).

Some photos of the hollyhocks

The village is Revest du Bion, Alpes-de-Haut Provence

About this painting

 This painting is part 1 of a pair painted on gesso panel. I did not add any additional gesso to it as they are supposed to be ready to go. Not sure I will do that again! the surface is so slippy and I wasn't convinced the paint was adhering. I've never used Yuppo with watercolour but from what I have read, it seems that this surface is similar.
I used a brush mostly with just a bit of knife work on the wall to give it texture.

I will wait until the paint has dried a little and rework some of the hollyhocks for more impact.

Come back tomorrow to see the the companion piece.

Close up


  1. I love hollyhocks. This painting is gorgeous and looks as though it was done in New Mexico. I finally have hollyhocks seeds to plant for next year but can't figure out where to put them as all my yard's watering stations here in dry NM have been taken for other plants. The water police might come and get me if I add more.

    1. Lol. We have dry summers here but although the neighbouring county has water restrictions almost every year, we don't seem to have them. I'm sure you can find a space if you try.

  2. Really nice Marion--It's funny because I'm in Santa Fe this weekend and this looks it was taken right from my street. And I just said to someone how much our street looks like Provence! Beautiful colors! Happy challenge painting!

    1. Thanks Scarlet. Yes, sometimes I have to look twice at some Californian/New Mexico paintings look like Provence.

  3. Lovely paintings Marion.I've been painting hollyhocks too! I love their color and tall stalks!


I am always pleased receive comments and to discuss my paintings and techniques.